Quiet Music #2


Quiet Music #2

Clear your mind for the week ahead. Quiet Music is music for reflection, contemplation and gathering strength. This second installment of our series will feature special guest: The Ambient Mind of Infinite Kitten

A recording of this performance is available on Mixcloud


Monday, Nov. 14
7:00 – Space is opened
7:30 – The Ambient Mind of Infinite Kitten
8:30 – Mike Clemow and Sarth

Join us Monday evenings at 7pm for a four-week residency at Halyards Bar in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Each night will feature a special, multi-channel listening environment and improvised music by Michael Clemow and Sarth, visuals by Jacob McCoy, and a special guest performer.

11/7 – with a guided meditation by Jeremiah Brimlow
11/14 – with The Ambient Mind of Infinite Kitten

11/28 – with Warm Canopy (Freddie Wyss)

12/5 – with Gregory Kramer and Gabe Raines

(Don’t mourn, organize.)

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